

BASSI LUIGI & C. offices and plant are in San Rocco al Porto, Lodi, Italy, 50 minutes from the Milano Linate international airport, 5 Km from the Basso Lodigiano exit of the Autostrada del Sole and 5 km from the Piacenza railway station.

SAN ROCCO AL PORTO - Lodi, Italy - Area (sq m)
Open: 148,500
Covered: 61,500
Total area: 210,000

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Bassi Luigi & C. S.p.A. - Sede legale / Registered office: Via Luigi Bassi 8, 26865 San Rocco al Porto, Lodi, Italy
Capitale sociale / Paid capital € 7,000,000 - Camera di Commercio / Chamber of Commerce: REA LO 593412 - IVA/ VAT No. IT 00839520152 - Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di Allied International S.r.l. / Company subject to management and coordination by Allied International S.r.l.
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