Quality, safety, health and environment policy
Bassi Luigi & C. S.p.A. has defined and implemented the integrated management control system for the quality, health, safety and environment to ensure the effective and efficient execution of all the activities related to the realization of the purpose of the company. This integrated management system is a mission:
- realization of its objectives, in harmony with the satisfaction of all the interested parties (Customers, property, collaborators, suppliers, the environment and the social context in which it operates).
- protection of the health and safety at work of its employees and of the persons who in various capacities play their role within the organization's headquarters and the health of the people who live near their premises.
- minimizing the impact of its activities on the external environment for the creation of a healthy and safe work environment, in full respect of the external environment.
In order to give substance to these intentions, the Management undertakes to apply and continuously improve the QHSE manaqement system so as to favor the pursuit of the strateqic guidelines set out below.
Strategic addresses
Compliance with the rules
- Scrupulously comply with current legislation on health and safety at work and the environment.
- Regularly monitor the publication of new technical or legislative standards applicable within the QHSE management system and ensure correct application within the deadlines.
Collaboration with the client
- Complete collaboration with the client by refining their sensitivity in understanding and evaluating their needs and their explicit and implicit expectations.
Collaboration with the supplier
- Collaboration with suppliers, as a result of constant technological evolution, for the improvement and updating of the quality and type of products and services provided.
Continuous improvement
- Maintain a proactive role in promoting continuous improvement in all company services.
- Establish and pursue innovation and improvement targets in the areas of quality, health and safety at work and environmental impact with a view to risk prevention or maximum reduction of the same.
- Ensure the correct application of the technologies used, pursue the improvement of these technologies or the adoption of more advanced technologies from the point of view of quality, health and safety of workers and prevention of environmental pollution.
- Include in-depth assessments on quality, health and safety at work and environmental impact.
Prevention of accidents and occupational diseases
- Progressively reduce accidents, injuries and illnesses related to work, minimizing the risks to which employees or third parties may be exposed (customers, suppliers, visitors, etc.).
Prevention of environmental pollution
- Reduce the environmental impact of its activities with particular reference to: emissions into the atmosphere, waste, noise pollution and water and soil pollution.
Evaluation of materials use
- Evaluate in advance the environmental compatibility of raw and auxiliary materials used in production processes.
- Avoid using hazardous substances or reduce their use to the minimum required quantity where elimination is not possible.
Reduction of natural and energy resources
- Control and reduce, where possible, the use of natural and energy resources such as electricity, natural gas and water.
- For the implementation, management and control of the integrated QHSE system each function manager has the authority, competence and organizational independence necessary to identify, address and solve the problems related to the achievement of the established objectives.
- To assign as primary responsibility to the managers, the application of the QHSE system, with particular refterence to the protection of workers health and safety according to their hierarchical role.
Information and training
- The bases identified and established on the basis ot the above were individual training, the promotion and dissemination of organizational and business culture, sensitivity to economic results and behavioral ethics. Everything in the knowledge that no strategy and no goal can be pursued with a probability of success, when the elements of honesty, correctness, consistency, reliability, competence and professionalism are not the basis of all the behavior of the members of the Organization.
- Training, information and development ot the knowledge and skills of all staff as a fundamental resource tor the implementation of the objectives and the development of the Company, with particular attention to the aspects related to safety at work, energy saving and the elimination of pollution in function of one's own hierarchical.
- Ensure that all staff receive adequate information and training regarding the risks present in the company, and in particular, the risks related to their work, as well as the prevention and protection measures adopted.
Involvement and consultation
- Full involvement and accountability of all staff at all levels in the implementation of the Integrated System for the development of a culture oriented towards the prevention of risks in terms of quality, health and safety at work and environmental impact.
- All Company personnel are made aware of the decisions taken and the objectives identified with regard to the quality of their overall performance.
- Pursue an open and constructive attitude towards employees, public authorities and other interested parties.
- Select and promote the development of contractors according to the principles of Company policy, obtaining from them the commitment to maintain consistent behavior with it.
Emergency procedures
- Develop and develop plans containing measures and procedures necessary to prevent accidental or emergency situations and to limit their effects.
In line with the principles and values identified, the Management has identified the essential elements of the day-to-day work of all employees and at all levels of responsibility in the management style, individual autonomy and the organization's climate. AlI Company staff is required to follow the requirements and to comply, without any derogation, with the procedures envisaged by the system and to maintain constant reference to the principles expressed in this declaration.
Maurizio Belloni
(General Manager)
San Rocco al Porto, 03-02-2021
In addition to the Certifications, issued by public entities and organizations, Bassi Luigi & C. has several Approvals issued by private and public companies, such as:
ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) - Abu Dhabi, UAE
Aramco - Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
BP - London, UK
ENI - San Donato, Milano, Italy
Equinor ( former Statoil) - Stavanger, Norway
Exxon Mobil - Irving, Texas, USA
GE (General Electric) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Italgas - Milano, Italy
KNPC - (Kuwait National Petroleum Company) - Ahmadi, Kuwait
KOC (Kuwait Oil Company) - Ahmadi, Kuwait
Kvaerner - Oslo, Norway
National Grid - London, UK
Saipem - San Donato, Milano, Italy
Snam Rete Gas - San Donato, Milano, Italy
Total - Paris, France
TransCanada - Calgary, Alberta, Canada